Gideon Kasler BA (Econs) FPFS Cert CII (MP)
Managing Partner
Chartered Financial Planner
Client Meetings & Reviews
Having graduated from Lancaster University with a Degree in economics. Gideon went on to become a Chartered Financial Planner with a thriving practice in the heart of Manchester’s business district since 1981.
Gideon was one of the first advisers in the UK to be awarded the highly coveted Chartered Financial Planner status in 2005. Chartered status is the pinnacle for the financial planning professional.
Financial Planning Certificate (FPC), Personal Tax & Trust (G10), Pensions (G60), Personal Investment Planning (G20), Investment Portfolio Management (G70) Business Financial Planning (G30), Long Term Care (G80), Savings & Investments (SV1), Mortgage Advice Qualification (MAQ), Pension Simplification (CF9). Retirement Options (K10), Pension Investment Options (K20), Supervision & Sales Management (H15).
Derek Skinner Dip PFS Cert CII (MP)
Independent Financial Adviser
Client Meetings & Reviews
Derek has been working closely with Gideon since July 2000 and has a wealth of experience and knowledge, with over 20 years financial services industry experience. Derek will often be the main point of contact for many clients.
Financial Planning Certificate (FPC), Personal Tax & Trust (G10), Investment Portfolio Management (G70), Retirement Option (K10), Pension Investment Options (K20), Savings & Investments (SV1), Mortgage Qualification (MAQ), Pension Simplification (CF9).
Robert Witcombe BSc (Hons) Dip PFS Cert CII (MP&ER)
Independent Financial Adviser
Client Meetings & Reviews
Robert graduated from Manchester University with a degree in chemistry before graduating from Manchester Business School with a post graduate certificate in business studies. He joined the financial services industry in 2001 and GK&A in 2002. Robert works closely with his clients providing bespoke financial planning solutions.
Financial Planning Certificate (FPC), Personal Tax & Trust (G10), Personal Investment Planning (G20), Savings & Investments (SV1), Certificate in Mortgage Advice & Practice (CEMAP), Pension Simplification (CF9), Equity Release (ER1), Pension Funding Options (J04), Pension Income Options (JO5) Long Term Care (CF8).
Chartered status enables individuals and firms to demonstrate their professional commitment to raising standards of knowledge, capability and ethical practice.
It tells their customers that they can expect the highest quality of service. – Source CII.